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2014-02-04 02:17:16
Last author: GlamGamer
Owner: GlamGamer
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Mystic Academy

Mystic Academy- Mystics

Mystic Protectors

Maliek Hunters

The Main Campus This is where classes take place. Breakfast, lunch and dinner is served here, as well as there being feeders available to those who live on blood. The lower levels consist of gyms and a highly advanced training simulation room. The hospital ward is also here. Classrooms make up the second level, along with the cafeteria. And there is a library on the third and fourth floor of the west wing. The east wing of the third level is additional classrooms, and the east wing fourth level is where feeders are housed.

The Mystics Dorm The dorm is divided into a male and female wing. Mystic Teachers have private rooms and bathrooms on the upper levels. Students share two to each room with a half bath available for each room (a sink and toilet). There are male and female showers for the students to share. On the lower level there are two common lounges and a kitchen in case students or teacher would like to prepare their own meals.

The Protectors Dorm Similar to the mystics dorm, it is divided by male and female wings. Protector students are two to a room with a half bath for every two bedrooms. Common showers for males and females. The second level is for Protectors, but while they have separate rooms, they share common showers. There's a kitchen and two lounges- though smaller than the Mystic's, it's still well equipped.

The Pool This pool connects the back of the Protectors dorm to the back of the Mystic's dorm. The pool is for all to share, although there is a curfew for students. There is also a pool house that acts as a lounge for everyone to gather and hang out, play games and such.

The Greenhouse The green house is located to the west of the Main Campus, directly across from the dorms.

Gardens This is part of the gardens that wrap around the entire academy grounds, backing up to the Bayou. There is a large wrought iron fence that encompasses the grounds, keeping everything from alligators to hunters out. Warded by magic, the fence also makes the campus grounds appear smaller and like a regular boarding school to humans outside of the Mystic world and the Hunters.

The Koi Pond
This massive koi pond goes from inside the greenhouse and weaves around most of the gardens, holding probably hundreds of koi, people stopped keeping track. And there's room for more. The pond is only deep in certain areas, some areas are no more than about three to three and a half feet deep. The deepest being a mini lake at nearly six feet down.

The Bayou There's a large fence protecting the school, with animal wards so even baby alligators don't try to come in.

Some School Rules

1. Powers may not and cannot be used against students, teachers or Protectors.

2. Breakfast is served at 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Lunch is served from 11:30 PM to 12:30 AM. Dinner is served from 4:00 AM to 5:00 AM.

3. Classes begin at 8:30 PM and end at 3:45 AM. Classes are from Sunday night (8:30 PM) to Thursday morning(3:45 AM).

4. Curfew is at 6:00 AM with lights out at 8:00 AM on school days. Curfew on the 'week ends' (Friday and Saturday) is altered in order to allow students to be out during the days.

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2014-02-04 [GlamGamer]: It's a warm and muggy fall evening. The start of the new semester. And it's just about time for school to start. Students have ten more minutes to get to class.

Antoinette eased into the gym, trying to come into the self-defense class without being noticed. She had just barely gotten into the senior class after last semester and she knew this year wouldn't be any different. There weren't many students in just yet, so she slunk over to a corner and tucked herself into it until the start of class.

Victoria finished feeding, walking out into the hall where her group of friends waited for her. She looked to them and gave a sly grin, "Today is the first day of hell for some." She said, keeping her voice down and her tone pleasent. There was enough going on around them that most Protectors and teachers wouldn't really hear what she was saying. "Let's make sure we don't disappoint, shall we?" When she got nods and smirks in return, the group split off, everyone going to their classes. Victoria changed in the locker rooms quickly before bursting into one of the gyms like she owned the place. Her sharp eyes caught the flash of pink hair and she turned to the princess Antoinette. "Oh good!" She called, evil grin on her face, "My favorite toy."

Damion slid into Miss McLeod's theory class and grinned. He was on time for the first time. Maybe he'd actually pass this year. He scanned the room and found a seat in the back, plopping down into it. He was rather graceful for a bear.

2014-02-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana walked into the gym, her father and brother had demanded she took self-defence classes so she wouldn't be some pansy ass girl who can't save herself. She wore white jogging trousers and a white tank top paired with white tennis shoes. White was her colour. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a bun. She sighed softly when she saw Victoria. Victoria would pick on her until she loses her temper. Last time she broke Victoria's nose and almost got kicked out the school.

Rosetta was busy putting up posters for her back to school green party. Rosetta was famous for her parties.

Kitty was standing in her classroom ready to teach but she was staring at the clock on the wall, waiting for the bell. If anyone was late for her class she would send them to Wrath and....well Wrath would deal with them and no one would ever be late again.

2014-02-05 [GlamGamer]: Victoria turned when she caught Luciana's scent and looked to the other girl. "Well, well, well... This year is already turning out to be a gem." She smirked and eyed them both quickly before she rounded and turned on Antoinette for now. While getting Luciana's temper up and possibly getting her expelled was tempting, doing so on the first day would mean no fun for the rest of the year. Or at least no fun where the daughter of Lucifer was concerned. Plus, she was on Wrath's bad side as it was, there was no need to rile him up at the start of the year either. The little princess however wouldn't stand up for herself if she could. Honestly, Victoria wondered if it wouldn't be better to put the girl out of her misery instead of making her rule over people who had no confidence in her.

Antoinette pressed hard into the wall as Victoria advanced on her. The woman was a predator in true form and Antoinette may as well have been a bug on the ground. Her shoulders sagged in relief when the teacher, Jaden, came into the room and Victoria was forced to stop in her tracks and mid insult.

Jaden looked between Victoria and Antoinette and inwardly sighed. And so it began. He looked around at the rest. A mix of future Protectors and Mystics, it was going to be an interesting class. "Good morning everyone. While we wait for the bell, let's start our stretches. If you're in this class, I need not tell you what those are. If you do not know them, come to me because you've been placed wrong." He didn't need to shout, the whole room had gone still the moment he'd walked in. It wasn't out of fear that everyone went quiet- well, at least not in everyone- but respect because he'd earned it along time ago and he expected it. That sort of confidence radiated off of him.

Morgan walked briskly down the hall, nodding and smiling to students and staff alike. "Miss Belle, to class please!" She sang out, giving her a broad smile. As she passed, she easily whisked a poster up and took it with her to hang in her room. Morgan was one of those teachers that liked to see her students pursue their passions, and she wanted each one to succeed. So her room was often covered with posters or fliers that her students made in support of their causes. And Rosetta's was often one of the first to have her event shown on the outer class door.

Damion knew that look on his teacher's face and winced. It being the first day back, there was bound to be at least one person late and he didn't envy those poor saps. He'd been sent to Wrath on several occasions, and it usually kept him in line for a month or two. Jaden-his main mentor- said it was because he was a bear who thought he was king of the bayou. And he'd been right, last year. Over the break he'd gone to a kind of Protector boot camp. It was here on campus, highly intensive training for Protectors. There were some Mystic students that stayed year round and Protectors were matched up with these students and a small team of Protectors. One day, Damion had decided he could sleep in a little and ended up being late. Had he been to his 'shift' on time, he would have experienced a surprise morning simulation. Instead he came up to see his Mystic, Antoinette, and one of his fellow Protectors 'dead'. It had terrified him and had also straitened him out.

2014-02-05 [GlamGamer]: [Oy, sorry for the long post... Started typing and couldn't stop..]

2014-02-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana saw Victoria stalking towards Antoinette, so she jogged over to Antoinette. She blocked Victoria from getting near the Princess just as Jaden came in. She started streaching, she gave Antoinette a smille.

Rosetta smiled."Okay, Miss."Rosette rushed off to her Eco class while putting up posters, she managed to get in just as the bell went.

"No, no, no, no...."Claude muttered as he ran fast down the hallway and to Miss McLeod's class aka Ice Queen. Everyone hates Kitty McLeod, well all the students do because she was harsh on her students. He ran into her class and whinced.

Kitty snapped her head to the door of her classroom and saw Claude was late for her class."Ah...Mr Turner, your late."She wrote out a note and handed it to Claude."Please go see Protector Wrath as he will keep you amused."She had a slight smirk on her face.

[Ah don't worry hun :)]

2014-02-05 [GlamGamer]: Victoria narrowed her eyes at Luciana, but then turned and gave Jaden a brief smile. Once the noise in the class started up again, she looked at the nephilum, "I'll deal with you later." She practically hissed, and then leaned around so Antoinette could see her, "I'll see you later, Bug." She turned on her heal and walked to her group.

Antoinette flinch at the nickname. When she was younger, before Victoria had come to the school, people had called her Ant-normally out of affection and not malice. The nickname had twisted and eventually turned to Bug when Victoria had come to the school. She looked at Luciana and gave a quick, shy smile before moving just far enough from the wall to be able to do her stretches. She chewed on her lower lip, like she wanted to say something, but she hardly ever spoke. And when she did, people could barely hear her. She sighed softly at herself. She would try to thank her properly later.

Morgan smiled a little, popping the poster on her door as she entered her class, a few students trailing in behind her after the bell. She waited for everyone to be seated and then beamed at her class, "Brilliant, now that we're all here, I think it's time to assign an essay." She heard groans from the class. Oh, she was serious about assigning the essay already, but it wouldn't be due into midterms.

Damion physically winced and shifted in his seat. The entire class had cringed when the door opened and he'd come in. Yup, he was screwed and no one could do anything about it unless they wanted to go too.

2014-02-05 [Cerulean Sins]: "Looking forward to it, Vamp..."Luciana whispered softly as Victoria walked away. Luciana smiled at Antoinette and nodded.

Claude winced as he took the note."Yes, Miss McLeod. I'm sorry, Miss McLeod."

"Sorry's are for children. Now go, Mr Turner."Kitty waved him away then she turned to face the class."Welcome back students. I hope you've all read the summer textbooks I gave you?"

2014-02-05 [GlamGamer]: Jaden watched the last drifters come into class, "You five who were late, stretch and then start running, not jogging, not briskly walking, running ten laps and then come see me." He said before looking around to the others. When he saw people snickering, he pointed them out, "You all join them." He waited and watched and turned to everyone else, "The rest of you, gather around once you've finished stretching."

Antoinette finished stretching, then smoothed her grey shirt and black shorts before walking near Jaden, avoiding the other students.

Morgan explained the essay, and also explained how long it was going to be, seeing as she was doing the essay instead of a normal test. Then she got around to dolling out new books, though she had limited use for them.

Damion nodded his head, along with the rest of the class, "Yes Miss McLeod." He said with a few others.

2014-02-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana finished streaching then she jogged over to Jaden.

"Good because I would like for you all to write out how you personality would handle the situations on chapter 1. I would like the reports by the end of the week. Extra credit for those that do a visual report." Kitty said.

2014-02-05 [GlamGamer]: Jaden looked at the group, explaining what they'd be doing that day-which was sparing.

Damion withheld a groan and looked down at his desk to keep from rolling his eyes. Why had he decided to specialize anyway? He'd be working right now if he'd just remained a regular Protector. Not writing school reports.

2014-02-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana smiled a little when she found out it would be sparing. She loved to spar.

"Please turn to chatper 1 of theroy books. We'll get started."Kitty started writing on the board."Anyone that fails to hand in the report by the end of the week will suffer by my hands all weekend."Wrath was a cupcake compaired to Kitty and all the students knew it.

2014-02-05 [GlamGamer]: Jaden started assigning partners. "Your partners for now will equally match you. As we progress, you'll each spar against someone who's supposed to be stronger than you. In here, you must use your observations to figure out everyone's weakness. Because out in the real world, against the Hunters, you have to be prepared to find weaknesses early on and know when to use them."

Antoinette had been partnered with Luciana, swallowing a little. She felt bad for her, surely the only reason their teacher had paired them was because there was an odd number of people at Luciana's skill level. She swallowed against and hugged her arms tightly around herself.

Damion pulled out the book, flipping it open.

2014-02-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana smiled at Antoinette."Don't worry I'll go easy on you, Antoinette."

Kitty turned around and stared at the class."Now what would you do if a group of Hunters attacked you and your client in a parking lot? How would you deal with that, Mr Watkins?"

2014-02-05 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette gave a sheepish smile, but kept her eyes cast down. She swallowed bard and closed her eyes, remembering what her cousin had said when she visited the Academy ovee break. "You must learn to interact with others, and youust learn to quit curling up I in a ball and wait to die when danger comes. Because it will come, and no mount of hiding can change that". With those words in her head she shook her a little, "Thu Hunters won't go easy.." her voice shook with each word and she stammered, but she'd spoken, so that was something.

Damion looked up from the book and sat up straighter."Well, there's a lot of variables, but if we're near a Protector vehicle then I'd get the client in there, its bullet proof and the client can push an emergency alert button." He sighed heavily, "But hunters are smart, they'll want to attack when they can block you from our cars." He considered it a moment longer,"In that case the best thing to do is move as a group, the client protected from all angles while you can, taking cover behind cars and get to a public place. If you can get into a crowded area, Hunters will have to adjust their attack, they won't hurt humans if they don't haveto. It will give you time to alert others. An even better place is to hide where there are many children. Most Hunters wwon't kill anywhere near human children."

2014-02-06 [Cerulean Sins]: "True but over time I won't need to go eassy on you cause you'll be able to kick my ass and Wrath's."Luciana smiled.

Kitty listened to him."Thank you, Mr Watkins."

2014-02-06 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette stopped, a slight frown on her face as she tried to imagine being able to win against Wrath. One of her delicate pink eyebrows raised and she started giggling, clamping a hand over her mouth at the thought. She looked at Luciana and just shook her head a bit to show her disagreement.

Damion nodded a little and looked back to the book. He couldn't tell if he'd done well or not, but he was expecting her to go one and talk about where he'd go wrong with those plans. That sort of thing.

2014-02-08 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana smiled a little."One day you'll be able to defend yourself."

Kitty went around the class asking for everyone would deal with different Hunter attacks.

2014-02-10 [GlamGamer]: "Ladies, enough chit chat." Jaden called, "Spar, spar, spar." He said and went around, giving out directions to other students to.

Antoinette pointed to an area that was mostly empty and started over there. She waited for Luciana to join her at the corner and took a defensive stance.

2014-02-10 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana followed Antoinette to the empty area and she too her stance."Ready?"

2014-02-10 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette nodded a little. [Little time skip, and then I thought one to lunch time would be good?]

Jaden watched them, pausing people and giving pointer to them where it was needed. He dismissed the class five minutes before the end of class. "Antoinette, if you, please come here, I need to speak with you." He called, writing something down.

Antoinette rubbed her arm as she sat up from being pinned. She knew Luciana was being easy on her, but it didn't matter. For the most part, Antoinette had faltered somewhere and went down easily. She'd gotten in some good hits, but they were mostly luck-or maybe her partner was just being nice. She got to her feet and walked over to Jaden, looking at the floor with a soft sigh.

Jaden looked at her, "Miss Antoinette," He paused, giving Victoria a look until she started away, "You did very well today, I'm rather proud of you." He frowned lightly, handing her a note, "However, I want you to find Wrath and give him this. It's my request seeing if he'll privately tutor you. It's not his normal thing, but if he has the time to help, he could give you valuable knowledge and tips."

Damion glanced at the clock, then looked back to Kitty, trying to focus, but sitting still so long drove him crazy. He needed to get up and move, stretch and eat if he could find food.

2014-02-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana smiled at Antoinette and nodded then she started to walking to the changing rooms. She went for a fast shower, dried off and got dressed. She wore white skinny jeans, flat white ballet shoes and white see-through shirt. She let her long blonde hair down and touched up her make-up.

Wrath was reading a crime novel outside, sitting under a tree, he would glance up every now and then to see Claude who was cursing like a sailor as he ran laps. Wrath was a cruel man when the teachers sent their students to him because he needs to make them stronger. He picked up a rock and tossed it at Claude and chuckled when he hear a loud 'ouch'.He glanced up."Pay attenion boy! Keep an eye out from every angle, hear everything, taste everything and feel everything! Be the best not a pansy ass sissy!"He barked.

Kitty glanced at the clock."Since it's the first day back I will allow you all to go to lunch early. Goodbye."She said in her normal cold emotionless voice.

2014-02-12 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette took the note and nodded a little before going to the locker rooms. She showered quickly, not wanting to give Victoria a chance to take her clothes- again. She dried off and grabbed her clothes, quickly changing. It was strange, for a girl who was so shy, she didn't seem to have much modesty when it came to clothes. Then again, for whatever reason, most Fey didn't have the common sense of modesty- most walked around naked. Her black lace dress had a see-through corset top- covering only her breasts entirely, and the skirt was layered with silk and lace. It was short in the front and a little longer in the back. Most of her clothes were inspired by Marie Antoinette- her name sake, plus it was French couture. She came out, ready to grab her shoes and bag and leave, but all that remained was the note to Wrath. She sighed heavily and rolled her eyes. She fluffed out her light pink curls and smiled a little. She rather liked the stark contrast of her porcelain skin against the black. With a little nod, she grabbed the note and went in search of Wrath.

Damion stood, shoving his book in his bag and started for the door. Then he paused, going over to her. "Teach? May I ask what was wrong with my answer? You never said.."

2014-02-12 [GlamGamer]: ((The dress, but all black and see-through on top.. <> ))

2014-02-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana left the changing rooms and went to lunch room,stood in line with the other students. She was in the mood for duck salad and a chai latte.

Claude was curing Wrath to hell and back because he has been doing laps, washing Wrath's car and polish his shoes. He was in hell.

Wrath put a bookmark in his book and stood up."Boy! Go for lunch and let this be a learn not to be late for classes!"

"If you had been wrong, Mr. Watkins then I would have chewed your ass out in front of the whole class."Kitty said as she cleaned the blackboard.

2014-02-12 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette made her way outside after asking a Protector where he might be. She spotted Claude first, glancing just beyond him to spot Wrath. Swallowing a little, her steps became hesitant as she approached the Protector.

Damion looked a little skeptical that he'd actually gotten right. "Okay.." He said, his hesitancy clear in his voice..

Victoria dropped Antoinette's shoes and bag in a random hall before going to the lunch room. She'd had blood that morning, she would be fine until later, at dinner.

2014-02-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Claude panted heavily as he walked away from Wrath. He was so sore and tired...he could sleep for a year. He walked past Antoinette and looked at her."He'll kill you."He said tiredly.

Wrath shoved his book in his back pocket and streached then he turned around and saw Antoinette."Yes, Princess?"He asked with an eyebrow raised.

Luciana sighed when her phone rang, she saw it was her dad. Her father calls her everyday and annoys her."Hey dad."She sighed.

2014-02-12 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette raised a brow and watched him walk away, nearly bumping into Wrath. She took a half step back, blushing a little as she held out the note. She wouldn't quite meet his gaze, chewing on her lip lightly. She had a little crush on him- naturally, she assured herself. He had saved her life at the end of last year when she'd gone to lunch with her cousin. They'd been attacked by a group of Hunters and somehow she'd gotten separated from them. She still had the scars on her stomach and upper thighs from the Hunters trying to torture the location of other royals out of her. Wrath had been the first one to find her.

The note was brief, first explaining that she wasn't there because she was in trouble. Then it asked if he could spare an hour or two after school to train Antoinette. She was behind in class and wouldn't graduate if she didn't pass. Jaden explained he had classes well into the morning and that's why he couldn't do it.

Damion went down to the lunch room, picking up a bag and pair of shoes he'd found in the hall. He asked around to see if anyone knew who's they were.

2014-02-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath took the note."Still a chatty cathy."He smirked a little as he read the note."Falling behind in self defence?"He sighed."Fine I'll train you but if you cry you do fact do anything I don't like you do laps. Okay?"

Luciana sighed louder."Dad I'm fine. Seriously stop calling me 20 times day. Bye!"She hanged up and got her lunch.

2014-02-12 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette blushed harder, eyes cast down. When he actually agreed to train her, she looked up at him in surprise. She nodded her head, making her curls bounce when he laid out his terms. She licked her lips a little and looked down again, drawing in a deep breath before mutter, "Wh-when do we m-meet?"

Damion grabbed his lunch, ingoring the snickers and points he got from having a girls bag over one shoulder and shoes tuckes into his own bag.
"So, is this a new look, or did you skip class and get lucky?" One of the other student protectors asked.
"Ha ha." Damion rolled his eyes, "I suspect the Queen Bitch and her posse took this off someone. I'll find out who later, right now I need to eat." He said, taking a rather large portion of meat. He grinned at the lunch lady who just rolled her eyes and waved him along in the line. No one liked a hungry bear.

2014-02-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath folded up the note and put it up in his back pocket."Here during your study periods and after school every week and every weekend. You want to defence yourself then you will put in the hours and hard work."

Luciana walked over to an empty table and sat down. She pulled out her ipod and put her headset in and listen to her playlist.

2014-02-12 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette bit her lip hard, to keep herself from speaking. She didn't think he'd appreciate what she had to say. So instead she nodded quickly and then pulled out a copy of her schedule so she could see exactly when her study periods were. She had her study periods as her last classes, so it worked out. She handed him the paper so he could see too.

Damion walked around, finding a spot with some friends and he plopped down, talking about the summer.

2014-02-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath took the schedule and saw her study periods."Monday, Tuesday and Thursday study periods is when we train. On Saturday and Sunday we train in the early morning and and in the evening."He handed the schedule back.

Luciana bobbed her head to the music as she ate.

Claude showered back in his room, changed his clothes and dragged himself to the lunch hall.

2014-02-12 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette nodded her head a little, taking the schedule back and tucking it back into a hidden pocket on her skirt. She sighed a little, because right about now she was missing her bags. She glanced up at him, waiting to be dismissed. She knew well enough that you didn't just walk away from Wrath..

Damion looked up when Claude came in and winced in sympathy, "How many laps?" He asked when he was near.

Morgan moved into the teacher's lounge and sat down at a table with her lunch. "Do you think it's the hormones that turn sweet and innocent middle schoolers into treacherous freshmen? Or just the Populars?"

2014-02-12 [Cerulean Sins]: "Go to lunch, Princess. I'll see you later on. Do not be late."Wrath said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Claude just groaned and shook his head at Damion then he got a big bowl of chicken chow main and went over to Damion's table and sat down."I hate him. He made me do 30 laps, clean his car and polish his boots."He groaned.

"Hormones, Morgan. Children finding out who they are but yet hiding who they really are."Kitty said as she poured herself a coffee.

2014-02-12 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette started away, then paused, looking back at him, "A-antoinette...I'm no P-princess. At least I shouldn't be..." She said softly before hurrying away.

"All while he read? Right?" Damion asked, smiling a little. Then he looked over, "That man had an amazing pair of boots and car last year thanks to me." He ate a few bites of food, "Also, try not to be late again... He increases the lap by 10 to 15 more each time you're sent to him.. Also, eventually you have to do it in the same time you used to run 30.."

Morgan sighed heavily, "Good lord... I had four freshman passing notes, and others who were throwing spitballs... You'd think they'd be interested in their elements and controlling them, but no."

2014-02-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath said nothing and watched her go. He would also have to get into her head that she is a Princess.

"How does Wrath get away with it? Seriously? Just because his Daddy is Lucifer doesn't mean he should treat us like that."Claude sighed and drizzled soy sauce onto his chow main.

"Kids aren't interested in school work. They care about themselves, their friends, and about being accepted by their peers."Kitty said with a shrug as she sat down with her lunch and coffee.

Luciana pulled out her book, sipping her latte. She flipped it open and started reading as she ate her salad.

2014-02-12 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette ducked into the lunch room and glanced around. She walked up to Luciana's table, sliding into the seat across from her. Then she set down a white flower, looking at Luciana.

Damion laughed, "Believe me, I don't think Lucifer has anything to do with the kind of evil Wrath is.." He shrugged a little, "He gets away with it because the Protectors he trains are some of the best and are highly sought after." He looked at him and grinned, "But seriously, I feel bad for you, no mater how much his workouts help sculpt abs..."

Morgan sighed heavily, "I suppose you get mostly older students." She smiled a little, "I do have one sweet young boy. I think he'd be good with weapons when he's older.."

2014-02-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana took her ear buds out and put her book down."Hey Antoinette."She smiled."You did really good in class today."

"Yeah that is the only bonus of suffering Wrath is that you end up with rocking abs."Claude grinned.

Rosetta walked up to Claude and Damion's table."Hey guys. Coming to my back to school party?"She smiled and handed all the guys at the table a flyer.

"We shall see if your sweet student is any good with weapons."Kitty said as she adds pepper onto her chicken pasta salad. "Hey Jaden."She said when she senced him entering the room. Being a were-leopard meant she smelt everything.

2014-02-12 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette gave her a small smile, one that said 'you are just being kind..'. Then she indicated to the flower, pushing it a little closer. Once it was closer to Luciana, it opened slowly, glowing with a soft gold light, inside was a rolled up parchment for her.

Damion lifted his shirt and smiled, "Indeed." He grinned and looked at Rosetta, putting his shirt down as he took the flyer. "Sounds like fun."

Morgan grinned a little, "Give him a couple years.."

Jaden looked over and smiled, "How's it going ladies?"

2014-02-12 [Cerulean Sins]: "Oh wow pretty."Luciana smiled as she watched the flower glow golden. She took the parchment and unrolled it.

"Party? I'm there Rosetta."Claude grinned as he took the flyer.

"Good and Damion keep those abs hidden or the sirens will be after you again."Rosetta giggled.

"Prehaps."Kitty said then she shrugged."Lazy students, Jadan."

2014-02-12 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette smiled a little. The parchment was a note to her.
I want to thank you for being so kind to me. This is my thanks.. This flower will never wilt, and will only open for Nephillim in your bloodline.

Damion grinned at the thought of the sirens. "I can handle them..." He said, too over confident, and he knew it.

Jaden chuckled softly, "Isn't that typical for the beginning of the year?"

2014-02-12 [Cerulean Sins]: "Oh Antoinette...thank you so much. It's perfect, I love it."Luciana smiled brightly.

Rosetta chuckled."Pfft! I'm sure you can..."She giggled.

"It's typical of students these days. They don't care."Kitty sighed.

2014-02-12 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette smiled, happy that she liked it so much. She then looked around, thinking about getting some food. Then she frowned. She would need her ID card to get lunch, and her's had been in her bag which had been taken.

Damion grinned and then tilted his head, "Hey, neither of you two would know who this belongs to, do you?" He held up Antoinette's bag, "Found it in the hall, definitely a girls bag, and I don't go through those anymore.." The last time he'd gone through a purse to see who's it was, the girl had been less than happy with him.

Jaden frowned a little, "We should make the training camps mandatory.. Certainly helped straighten out that Watkins kid.."

2014-02-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana picked up the flower with a smile."What kind of flower is it?"

"Hey that's Princess Antoinette's bag."Rosetta said as she stole one of Damion's fries.

"And here I thought Damion was trying a new look."Claude chuckled.

"Watkins is a very good with strategy."Kitty said as picked at her salad.

2014-02-12 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette chewed on her lip lightly before speaking, her voice soft as ever. "A N-nephilim flower.. F-fey are the only w-who can cultivate them... W-we chose an o-ordinary flower and bring the... The Angel ought of them.. I... I know y-you like white."

Damion smiled a little, "Where would I be without you?" He stood up and scanned around. He was nearly 6'4" tall, and probably still had a few inches left. He spotted her pink curls and walked over, setting the bag next to her, smiling lightly. He nodded to Luciana before walking away. He knew Antoinette would be thankful, so he didn't need to stay and hear it.

Jaden raised a brow, "Is he?" He smiled a little, "All thanks to the lecture you gave him I'm sure.." He grabbed his food.

2014-02-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana smiled as she stared at the flower."I do like white. It reminds me to be good and not like my father." She didn't even notice Damion at their table or set Antoinette's bag down or the nod he gave her.

"Stuck hanging around a bunch of males who don't have a feminine bone in there bodies nor have a somewhat understanding of the female mind?"Rosetta called as she stole more fries. Everyone knows better than to steal food off a bear.

"Yes, or sending him to Wrath has put the fear of god into him to come to my classes and study."Kitty chuckled a little.

2014-02-13 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette jumped a little when Damion came over, smiling a little as he walked away. She grabbed her bag and put it over her shoulder, then pulled out the shoes and slipped them on. She looked at Luciana, "I c-can't see you b-being bad... A-and our parents d-don't make us who w-we are.." She sounded a little sad. Of course, she wished she could be more like her mother. Her mother had graduated from the Academy in France with honors and was forever remembered there. And her father had graduated from the Louisiana Academy with honors too. She stood, "I'll.. I'll be r-right back." She went up and made a yogurt parfait, something she could eat in the little time they had left.

Damion walked over to her, snatching the fries bask before she could eat them, scowling at her. "Get your own fries." He said in a mildly scolding manner.

Jaden laughed, "That- believe me that really helped, and I did something rather evil..." He sat down and explained. He'd set up a surprise attack, one that Damion could have prevented if he came to his 'job' on time. Instead, when he was late, with the help of Protectors and Antoinette, he'd made it look like a real attack. Complete with blood-real blood that had been donated for the cause. "I knew as a bear he'd be able to tell the difference between real blood and fake. When he thought the Princess and fellow Protectors were all dead, and no one was answering his calls... He freaked out." He grinned a little, "I think Wrath and I should run the summer programs... They'd be in shape and on time every day.."

2014-02-13 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana nodded a littler and watched Antoinette go get food."Yeah well I'm more like dad than anyone thinks."Luciana sighed loudly then she looked up and frowned a little she felt like she had missed something. She looked around the lunch hall and shook her head."I'm going crazy."She muttered.

"Meh...."Rosetta pouted."Such a mean teddy bear."

"You and Wrath should have a summer program. Student Protectors need to understand it's a life and death job and the client comes first."Kitty said with a sigh.

2014-02-13 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette smiled a little, shaking her head. She pointed at Damion and then lifted her bag. She took a bite of parfait.

Damion grinned, "No, my brothers are mean. They'll bite them from your hand." Then he sighed and pushed the plate closer to her.

Jaden nodded, "I'll talk to him about it... I doubt he'll like having a bunch of students around, but he will get to torture them, so... It's kind of a win situation."

Morgan just chuckled and shook her head a little, "I'm very glad I didn't become a protector. I hate exercise."

2014-02-14 [Cerulean Sins]: "Oh okay." Luciana nodded as she added more pepper onto her duck salad.

"Your brothers love me. I'm like the sister they never had."Rosetta smiled and stole a fry.

"Wrath is only happy when he gets to torture students." Kitty said then she looked at Morgan."Being a Protector isn't for everyone."

2014-02-14 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette ate her food and looked around, jumping a little with the various loud noises.

Damion laughed a little, "And yet, you don't steal food from them because you value your life."

Morgan smiled and shook her head, "I think you're all brave."

2014-02-16 [Cerulean Sins]: "So my father wants to have a Protector follow me around all day and all night because father doesn't believe I'm safe when I'm not around Wrath."Luciana sighed.

"I do too but your mum and dad always safe me because I keep their garden beautiful."Rosetta smiled.

Kitty just nodded a little.

2014-02-16 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette frowned a little, grabbing a notebook because it was faster than her talking. She pushed it over to her when she'd finished writing.
What about a student Protector? There are a ton of Protectors around as it is, and it would give a student real life experience.. Sort of

Jaden smiled, "Oh, you know you love senfing kisds down

2014-02-16 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana nodded a little."It would be better than a 7 foot tall demon that smells of brimstone all the time."She paused then frowned."Wait's unfair to take the student Protector away from his or her friends."

"Only because your yard smells like honey...thanks to the honeysuckle I planted 2 years ago. Your welcome."Rosetta smiled as she stole more fries.

2014-02-16 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette wrote again, It is their job though. And it will blend better.

Damoin smiled a little and nodded, "I know. Although, Tommy calls it a tease."

2014-02-16 [Cerulean Sins]: "Maybe. I guess I could tell father that it will be on a tempoary period and see how things go."Luciana shrugged.

"I know it's kinda funny when he's drunk and thinks there's honey in the yard."Rosetta giggled.

2014-02-16 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette smiled a little and nodded, You could point out the fact that a student or two would be sufficient when there are so many Protectors around as it is.

Damion shook his head, "No, no it's not. It's not nice to tease a drunk bear and I had to break it to him last time."

2014-02-18 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana nodded."True and it would give them some experience at the same time."

"It's still funny."Rosetta said as she stole his last fry.

"You two are like brother and sister."Claude chuckled.

2014-02-18 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette nodded a little before finishing her food. She frowned at it, wondering if she would end up passing out during Wrath's lesson because she hadn't eaten that much. She frowned more because she wasn't sure if that would help convince him she wasn't worth his time or not. She let out a huff and scowled.

Damion pouted when she stole the last fry. He looked around the table for food he could steal and then smiled at Claude, "She may as well be. My family has protected someone in hers as long as I can remember."

2014-02-20 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana looked at Antoinette."What's sup, buttercup?"

"Crazy Auntie Willa. She was cursed to speak Riddlish. She talks in riddles 24/7."Rosetta said dramatically with crazy hand gestures.

Claude was kinda creeped out by Rosetta."Yeah...that sucks."

2014-02-20 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette looked up at her and frowned a little more. She grabbed the notebook and wrote down a partial explination. I have to do training lessons with Wrath... I don't know that it will go well.

Damion smiled a little, "Yeah, that's why we started guarding them. My brothers are getting assigned to which cousins again?"

2014-02-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "You have a training session with Wrath?"Luciana frowned."Oh honey he is going to kill you."

"Cousin Peony, Cousin Lily-Ann, Cousin Cora-Rose, Cousin Thorn and I think Cousin Baelfire. And those cousins are all siblings from Auntie Daisy and Uncle Zane."Rosetta smiled.

Claude whistled."Bloody hell..."

2014-02-21 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette sighed heavily, Training with you nearly killed me and you were easy on me. If I do die, can you tell the council I was cousin Isaboel named my successor and that bitch French Queen or her brother?

Daimon grinned, "And it's James, Teddy and Victor going to them right, along with other Protectors?"

2014-02-22 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana chuckled."Wrath won't be that bad. Jaden will give him proper orders and tell him what level to start with."

"Yup."Rosetta nodded with a smile."It's going to be funny cause Teddy hates Cora-Rose and he has to protect her."She giggled.

2014-02-23 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette smiled a little, I'm serious though. The likelyhood that I'll die early is astranomical.

Daimon chuckled softly, "Yeah, that's why he can't shut up about her."

2014-02-23 [Cerulean Sins]: "Hey anyone that wants to kill you will have to go through me and the very small army at my command, got it?"Luciana said seriously and fiercely.

"I think he hates her is because he secretly loves but can't tell her because he has to be her protector. So now he is forever doomed to watch Cora-Rose date many men until she finds the right male Earth Nymph, mate with the male then marry. Oh poor Teddy...."Rosetta frowned and sighed."Tragic cross lovers never to be with each other. So sad..."

Claude raised an eyebrow."Are you sure Ted is in love with this Cora-Rose chick?"

2014-02-23 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette smiled a little, no point in telling her that a small army hadn't been able to protect her in France because no one seemed to realize that her biggest threat was inside the royal family, and not the Hunters. Instead she said ,I don't think an army is effective against stairs.

Daimon nodded and looked at Claude, "I wish it was an untatural dislike for an Earth Nymph, but it looked like he got stabbed in the gut when he heard his assignmnet. He embaressed the hell out of our father by blurting out that he wanted a reassignment. Our family has never asked for that, and we've always been with Earth Nymphs. We bears get along with them better. My dad chewed him out for it later and even smacked him before our mom stepped in. And the only thing he was worried about was whether or not Cora-Rose had heard. He didn't want to hurt her by her knowing he wanted to leave."

2014-02-24 [Cerulean Sins]: "Well maybe try and not wear killer heels."Luciana chuckled.

"Bears and Earth Nymphs go together like peanut butter and chocolate. But Cora-Rose and Teddy are like chocolate and strawberries. They are in love but they can't do anything about it. As everyone knows Protectors can not fall in love with their assignmnet."Rosetta sighed.

"Drama....shame that I Love Cupid or a demi god of Venus or Eros couldn't help."Claude said with a shrug.

2014-02-24 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette looked down at her feet and shrugged a little, nodding.

"It wouldn't matter if he was reassigned though. I doubt her parents would allow it. And he has to put in the mandetory time before he can leave.." He looked at Claude, grinning, "I don't think they'd want to help..."

2014-02-25 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana chuckled softly."Try flats."

"And even then they would be shunned by most and hated by the rest. Big naughty taboo issue." Rosetta sighed a little.

Claude nodded a little."I meant maybe one of the Demi could know if there was a loop hole for Protectors to be with their assignmnet. There must be a ye olden day law or something."

2014-02-25 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette smiled a little, But then I would never be able to reach things, or be able to see where I'm going. She grinned a little.

Daimon frowned, brow furrowed as he tried to think of something. "Well, if fate has been truly a Bitch then there is the very tiny chance they could be Marked. Marks are rare for all were-creatures, but even more so for bears. That's the only thing I can think of that would at least make it ok in were-bear society. We consider it to be the greatest gift of Mother Earth... But I don't know it would help with Nymphs and worse yet, Protectors."

2014-02-25 [Cerulean Sins]: "True. You are very tiny."Luciana smiled.

"But the only way for them to find out if there Mated is if they have sex. Once that happens an hour later the Mating mark will appear on their hand. Earth Nymphs only find their Mate when they dream of each other."Rosetta said with a smile.

2014-02-25 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette just smiled a little, nodding. Tiny but curvy. Dont know how, what I remember of my parents is they were both tall and willowy.

Daimon nodded, "And they can't do that without breaking the Protector Code... Speaking of, you have to tell me when you dream of your mate. On principal I have to threaten him." He grinned a bit. Ever since they were kids he'd been protective of Rosetta.

2014-02-27 [Cerulean Sins]: "It's DNA, doll."Luciana smiled.

"Still been dreaming of saving the ecosystem."Rosetta sighed wistfully.

2014-02-27 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette sighed a little I'm doomed to be short forever.

Daimon chuckled softly. "Good. You keep dreaming that."

2014-02-28 [Cerulean Sins]: "Fate is a bitch."Luciana smiled.

Rosetta raised an eyebrow at Daimon."Scared of losing me to some Earth Nymphs. Well if I was going to dream of any Earth Nymph then I would love to dream of Decue."She sighed happily with a smile on her face."Eco-mazing! Shame that every Earth Nymph gal has mega crushes on him...I don't even stand a chance."

2014-02-28 [GlamGamer]: Antoinett smiled a little, nodding. She shifted in her seat and softly cleared her throat, "Will he...W..will Wrath g-get very m-mad if I cry? I b-bruise easily, and... and I c-can't garuntee t-that I w-won't c-cry..."

Daimon rolled his eyes a little, "I'll be your Protector no matter what. As for whether or not you have a chance with that Decue dork-ass, he'd be a complete idiot not to try to win you. And he'd be a dead man if he didn't treat you in a way I approve." He stood and before she could protest, he picked her up in a big bear hug, "You're my Earth Nymph to protect Rose, can't get rid of me."

2014-02-28 [Cerulean Sins]: "Ummm...Honestly? Well yeah he will and he'll make you do laps or clean until you stop crying."Luciana said with a sympathetic look.

"You big teddy bear. I swear your softer than Winnie the Poo."Rosetta teased him as he held her in a bear hug.

2014-02-28 [GlamGamer]: Antoinett nodded a little, "Oh, ok..." she said very softly with a sigh. She jumped when the warning bell went off. She smiled and then stood slowly, gathering her things.

"But my bite is worse." He grinned, showing his slightly pointy teeth, making chomping noises right by her ear. He set her down finally when the bell rang, "Well, I'm off to get my ass kicked by Jaden..."

2014-02-28 [Cerulean Sins]: "So what's your next class?"Luciana asked as she picked up her books and handbag.

"Awww poor teddy bear."Rosetta patted his cheek.

2014-02-28 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette glanced at her schedule,"N-nephilum m-magic. You?"

Damion pretended to nip at her fingers and grinned, "One day I'll be able to kick Wrath's ass and that is the day I'll be strong enough to protect you."

2014-03-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "Advanced Protector training. Dad wants me to fight like a protector but not be one. So I'm balancing my normal classes, advanced classes and some protectors."Luciana sighed loudly.

"You've always been able to protect me, Damion and you always will."Rosetta smiled and kissed his cheek then grabbed her bag."See ya later."She smiled and bounced away.

2014-03-01 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette smiled a little, "Y-you'll be... Be able to... To p-protect yours-self though.."

Damion watched her go and looked at Claude, "Where are you going next?"

2014-03-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "True but Jaden always makes the guys go easy on me and it sucks."Luciana sighed.

"Air Element class. You bruh?"Claude asked as he pickd up his bag.

2014-03-01 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette frowned a little, "S-so ki...kick t-their a-asses a-and then he... He w-wont make... M-make them g-go easy.."

"Advanced Protector training." Damion chuckled. "I'll see you later. You have fun with the elements."

2014-03-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "Tried it and it doesn't work. Hell I given broke a guys leg last year during class and Jaden still made them go easy on me. I think Wrath has something to do with it. Oh well I'll see ya later hun."Luciana smiled as she walked away to Advanced Protector Training.

"See ya bruh."Claude smiled then walked off to his class...well he ran cause he didn't want to deal with Wrath again.

2014-03-01 [GlamGamer]: Damion went to the gym where Jaden had set up a simulation for the day.

Antoinette waved a little before going to class, holding her bag to her tightly.

Jaden looked around as his students came in, "Come on, lets go lets go. We've got shit to do in a short time."

2014-03-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana walked into the gym and dumped her bag on the benches with a small sigh.

Claude and Rosetta walked into their classes.

2014-03-01 [GlamGamer]: Damion looked at Luciana and smiled, "What's wrong buttercup?"

Morgan entered her class and smiled at the students, "Hello!" She sang out.

2014-03-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana looked up at Damion."My name is Luciana, not Buttercup."She pulled her phone out and turned it off and put it in her bag.

Claude liked Morgan cause she's cool."Hello."He called along with the class.

2014-03-01 [GlamGamer]: "I know. Wrath's little sister. I'm Damion." He set his bag down against the wall. "Ready to have some fun?" He grinned.

Morgan bounced around, getting things ready for the class. "So, how was everyone's summer?"

2014-03-02 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana sighed again. Everyone in this school knew her as 'Wraths little sister' and she hated it."Sure.By fun you mean I'll be kicking everyones ass cause their too scared to hurt me?"She said as she pulled her long blonde hair up into a pony tail then fixing it into a messy bun.

Claude shrugged."8 long weeks of partying and chilling by the beach."He grinned.Claude's family lived by a beautiful beach.

2014-03-02 [GlamGamer]: Damion looked around, "Really? I don't remember that order." He smirked a bit, looking at her, "Well, today's training is a team thing. So if you're on my team, I'm not gonna baby you and you're going to have to pull your own weight." He looked at her directly, "And I have no intention of being easy on an enemy."

Morgan smiled brightly, "And dear Claude, just how many of these parties did your parents know about?" she teased and then winked a little. She was one of those teachers that seemed to know when and where parties were at the school, and she very rarely broke them up unless she was concerned about what they were doing.

2014-03-02 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana rolled her eyes."Sure, whatever." She muttered as she streached.

"Ummmm....none."Claude smirked as he ran his hand through his hair.

2014-03-02 [GlamGamer]: "I can handle Wrath's anger. But if they want you in this class, the rest of us can't suffer to save you some bruises. You're going to leave school and do whatever it is you plan on doing. The rest of us are going to leave and have people's lives in our hands." Damion stretched a little, catching a ball thrown at him mid stretch. He looked over, "Ass hat!" He called across the room, throwing it back.

Morgan chuckled and rolled her eyes, "And I imagine you broke many hearts. Girls, be careful with this one." She smiled and turned to the board

2014-03-02 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana started laughing loudly when he said he could handle Wrath's anger. She bent over slighty, laughing as tears ran down her face.

Claude chuckled."Nothing to fear ladies."

2014-03-02 [GlamGamer]: Damion looked at her and grinned a little, "What, I've pissed him off before. I was down there everyday last year and for most of the summer."

Jaden looked around, "Alright guys, stretch time over, gather 'round."

One girl snorted a little, "Sure." She said quietly.

Morgan chuckled softly, "Ok, I suppose I should start teaching a class, right? I think that's what they're paying me for.." She sat on her desk and looked around. "Let's get these desks out of the way and play a game!"

2014-03-02 [Cerulean Sins]: "Just that your a dumbass for thinking that you've seen Wrath's anger."Luciana chuckled and wipped her tears." She walked over to Jaden.

Claude winked at the lass then he looked at Morgan."What kinda game, miss?"

2014-03-02 [GlamGamer]: Damion nodded a little because he could see that. He walked over to Jaden and finished stretching his legs there.

Jaden looked at them all. "Ok, we're doing some team simmulations, as I'm sure you guessed." He indicated to the gear, which was split between blue and red marks. "We're doing capture the flag today. Think of your flag as your Mystic, and the other team is hunters. You have to capture the other teams flag and keep it for four minutes at your base for it to count. First team to get three points wins." He let people process that, "So, think of it as protection detail and a rescue mission."

The girl blushed and looked away, gigling a little.

Morgan smiled a bit, "Well... I thought we'd use our elements to keep items elevated and hand them to one another. So you have to focus on your air stream and strength." She said, tossing a ball in the air, then keeping it a foot above her hand using her air element. "How does that sound for our first day back?"

2014-03-02 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana nodded as she listened to Jaden. Seems like a simple enough task but it depened on what team she was on.

"Sounds fun."Claude grinned.

2014-03-02 [GlamGamer]: Jaden split them into teams, putting Damion and Luciana on the same team. "Ok, Luciana, you're team captain of blue." He went off to tell red team their captain.

Morgan smiled, "Good, come on, Up up! Get these desk out of the way!"

2014-03-02 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana froze and looked at her team who where giving her evils."Great just great..."She muttered as she pulled on her blue vest.

Claude stood up and pushed his desk back.

2014-03-02 [GlamGamer]: Damion was the only one who wasn't glaring at her. He did however give glares to his other teammembers. He picked his own sparing weapon and put a blue band on his arms, "So, el Capitian, what's our strategy?"

Morgan watched them, "Alright, Claude, start us off." She tossed him the ball.

2014-03-02 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana sighed loudly and groaned."Now I know how my brother feels when he's annoyed with dumbasses."She muttered then she turned around and walked over to Jaden.

Claude caught it and then made the ball float in the air.

2014-03-02 [GlamGamer]: Damion just shook his head a little and looked to the rest of them as they grabbed their things. "Well then, I guess we'll have to do this ourselves."

Jaden looked at her, "There a problem?"

Morgan smiled a bit, "Good! Now pass it without blowing wind in the other person's face." She grinned

2014-03-02 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yeah. They won't listen to me cause I'm not a Protecter in training and I'm Wrath's baby sister. Remember the last time you made me captain? The blanked me, didn't do anything I said. So you need to make someone else captain."Luciana said with a frown.

Claude carefully passed the ball to the person next to him.

2014-03-02 [GlamGamer]: Jaden chuckled a little, "They're Protectors Luciana.. They need to get used to taking orders. Besides, as much of an idiot as Damion seems, there's a reason he's on your team this time. He'll listen without second guessing you, and they will fallow his lead."

"Great! Keep it going! See how quickly we can pass without getting the next person with air." Morgan said, keeping her perch ontop of her desk.

2014-03-02 [Cerulean Sins]: "Then make Damion captain not me."Luciana said as she put her hand on her hips.

Claude watched the other students pass the ball.

2014-03-02 [GlamGamer]: "Luciana, I have experienced Wrath's anger. I did recently when I said that if you were going to be in this class, then you would be participating. You're captain... And there will be no more breaking legs." Jaden said with a little shrug. "If you'd like to leave the class, talk to your brother."

Slowly people got faster, laughing when they accidentaly got others with wind.

2014-03-02 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana sighed."Fine but on your own head, Jaden."She walked over back to the her team."Listen up muscle heads. I'm captain. You do as I say or else. Got it?"She glared right back at each and everyone of them. The look said, 'I dare you to challenge me'.

Claude chuckled when he got wind in his face. He passed the balled to the person next to him.

2014-03-02 [GlamGamer]: Jaden watched her walk away and then shook his head. "Simulation turning on in" The room around them disapeered, replaced with a city environment.

Damion nodded with Lucianna claimed captain. When the simulation started, he looked at their blue flag and then to her. "So, what are we doing?" No more joking, he was for real asking this time.

Morgan watched them, "You're doing great!" She finally got off her desk, "Now, who thinks they know the point of this game?"

2014-03-02 [Cerulean Sins]: "Protect our flag at all costs. Circle formation around the flag and the others take the pussy ass hunters. Got it?"Lucianna ordered as took her stance."Oh and watch each others backs."

"Too have fun?"Claude grinned.

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